Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, June 21, 2010

Luke's First Father's Day!

We had a great Father's Day! We didn't do anything too exciting, but we spent the time together and that is what matters most. We went up to beautiful Lake Keowee on Saturday with some friends and totally relaxed on Sunday. Well most of us relaxed; dad had to mow the lawn while Owen played in his Baby Einstein jumper...but Owen and Luke were able to take a nap together later in the afternoon and it was just about the sweetest thing that I have ever seen :) Thanks for being such a wonderful dad!!

Five Months Old

Wow, Owen turned 5 months old this past Saturday! Where has the time gone? He continues to change each and everyday. And sadley, I think we may be leaving behind our most blissful month. Month 4 was amazing; he began sleeping through the night on a regular basis, smiled all of the time, giggled when 'zoobered' on his neck, and was just so darn cute. Now Luke and I are beginning to see some minor changes that are bound to make our lives just a little more difficult :) Owen wants to MOVE! But there is only one problem with this, he doesn't know how to yet. When he is awake, his favorite position is in a standing one, where he usually proceeds to pull mom's hair out and scream in her face (but I love it)! As you can see, getting him to stay still for a picture is beginning to be more of a challenge. I am guessing that he will figure out how to roll from his back to his tummy, but we shall see. He has also begun to get a little whiney when one of his parents leaves his sight, hoping that this won't be something that lasts too long :(

We are also going to endure another first tomorrow--our first plane ride together! Should be quite the experience, but we are SOOOOOO looking forward to our visit to MI!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Better Feeding

We tried the cereal again today, he did MUCH better! He seemed excited and opened his mouth right away for the spoon to go in. Unfortunately, most of the cereal did not stay in his mouth. I think Owen may be a little confused and thinks that he is supposed to eat his hands. Those always ended up in his mouth right after the spoon did. Needless to say, he was a mess when we were finished. Oh well, it's a start...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not Quite Ready

So apparently I really misjudged my kid today. I thought that he might be ready to begin on rice cereal, boy was I wrong! Last night he was still 'starving' after his 8 oz bottle, so I ended up having to feed him 2 more oz before he would go to sleep. So logicially I thought maybe he needed a few more calories in his diet. So this morning I decided to be brave and try the rice cereal. Enjoy the pictures, they tell the whole story!

"What is she making me do now???"
"What is she coming at me with?"

"Okay, I'll try it."

"Oops, I may have gotten a little too excited!"
(This is what happened after Owen decided to flail his arms all about)

"I think I'll just stick with my bottle."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Little Laker

What a wonderful day! We spent our Saturday on beautiful Lake Murray with my brother and dad. It was an extremely hot day, 95 degrees, so we decided to go on the lake in the late afternoon. Owen experienced his very first boat ride, which he really seemed to enjoy. He didn't even seem to mind the life jacket too much, which is surprising especially when you see what it looked like on him! We found a great little island that had tons of shade and we grilled out and Owen just chilled with us the entire time. He is such a great sport and just really enjoys being around people and especially seems to enjoy the outdoors. Since we went out later, we were able to see the famous Purple Martins that roost on one particular island on the lake. It was really cool, thousands of them end up flying together above the island right around dusk. Thanks Uncle Matt for providing such a fantastic day!

Sorry the pictures are out of order, I realized this after I already uploaded...

The Purple Martins
Daddy and Owen spending some quality time together.

So much fun!!

"Hey mom, I don't think this fits quite right."

"What is this contraption?"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey everyone! Here are a few pictures from this past week. I was inspired by these gorgeous orange flowers that have bloomed in my yard (thanks to the previous homeowner) and I am afraid that I may kill them off before they bloom again next year! I have really been enjoying my time with the little man, hopefully you'll like the pictures.

Getting ready for the photo shoot with mom!
"I'm distracted by my crazy brother, Marlow."

"I can't believe she made me change my outfit so that I would match my Bumbo and the flowers; she's losing it!"

"Fine, but this HAS to be the last picture today!"
These are sort of fun to pull!

Enjoying some quality playtime with mommy in the early morning.

Monday, June 7, 2010

School's Out for Summer!

It's official, I am finally on summer break! Last Wednesday was technically my last day of school, although I only had to go in for a couple of hours and little O Man went with me. So this week marks my first full week off with the little guy since I had to go back to work. I am also quickly remembering how tiring it is to be home with him all day, way more 'work' than my actual job :) I think I fell asleep last week at 7 pm each night that I was with him all day, but it is so worth it.

Owen is really in a great baby stage right now. He sleeps through the night more often than not, and man has that made me a completely different person :) Last night he went to sleep at 8 and didn't wake up until 6:15! I'll take that any day. And to top it off, he fell back to sleep around 7, which allowed me to enjoy a cup of coffee in the hot tub.

Last week we took lots of morning walks, maybe a little too many for Marlow. His shoulder started acting up again when I took him for a walk two days in a row. It's just so hard to leave him behind when he gives me that adorable puppy dog look. Owen and I have also checked out our neighborhood pool, I have a feeling that we will be spending EVERY day down there in a couple of years. It was full of kids and it looked like they were all having so much fun! But I think the highlight for Owen this week was the construction of his Baby Einstein playstation. Just look at the smile on his face when he went into it for the first time! It took mom a long time to put it together, but I think it was well worth the wait!