Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Putting the costume on for the first time.
Is this how you want me to pose?

What is this??

It's hard to get them both to pose at the same time.

It stayed on Marlow longer than it stayed on Owen :)

Helping mom pass out candy!So I decided to go with the traditional pumpkin costume for Owen's first Halloween. I figured that I will have years of super heroes ahead of me, so I might as well get the cute ones in while I can! He did awesome in his costume (all 45 minutes he stayed in it) and even got to see a few trick-or-treaters before bedtime. I think he had the most fun playing in the candy bowl!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hanin' with GiGi!

Aunt Megan!

Watching the sunrise from the plane. Tried to get the skyscrapers in the background, but wasn't quick enough!

Last weekend, Owen had his first trip to the big city! Mom accidentally booked the wrong flight time, and we ended up taking off at 6 a.m. It was an early start to an amazing weekend with family and friends. Not only did mom book the wrong flight, but I also forgot to charge the camera. So, I only have a couple of pics on my camera. But not worries, GiGi took tons so we were able to capture the memory (just maybe not digitally on the blog).

We didn't do too many city things, instead we went to the MSU/Northwestern game. It was a ton of fun and GiGi got to babysit! Everyone was happy! Next time we'll have to see more of the city, but I don't think he would've appreciated it anyway :)

And maybe next time someone will stop and say "oh, what a cute baby" to GiGi as she's walking :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

"Look at dad's shadow looming over me."

"Hangin' with my dad."

"Mom, the sun is in my eyes!"

"She thinks my tractor's sexy..."

"This looks like a good one."

"I guess I'll eat mulch for dinner. We finally made it to a pumpkin patch! We have been talking about this since before we had a kid, yes we are that weird couple!! We had to go at what is normally Owen's bedtime (5:00) since no other time worked this weekend. That being said, we didn't get the cutest pictures, but they capture the moment and the season. That's what is important...right? This pumpkin patch is probably not one that we will visit again, but it did the job. Next year maybe we will make it to the mountains and get even better pictures. Now if only I could find a Halloween costume for him...


Saturday morning we discovered that we could reverse! It happened by accident. Owen was stretching as far as he could stretch for a toy and he fell over from a sitting position into a crawling position. At first, Owen was extremely upset. But I decided to see if he could figure it out, and he did! He completed an entire circle in reverse and ended up getting caught under the ottoman. But hey, we have progress! Baby gets will need to soon be purchased.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

October Fun

Best buds just hangin' out.

Hey, I know these people!

Look at how small I am on the couch!

Grandma's here!!

High School Friends

Thanks LC guys for making the long journey to visit us! We all had a wonderful time and wish that we could get together more often. Gannon, I think you may have been sleeping when we took these pictures (at least it is a pretty good possibility)!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rocky Top

Thanks Angie, Kevin, and Avery for a great weekend in Knoxville! We all had a great time and Owen already misses his buddy!
Wait a minute, I'm bigger than this dog!!

So fun!

Great time tailgating!

8 Months...a little late :)

So, these pictures were taken on time, just uploaded a couple of weeks late :) Since Owen was more interested in the paper than taking pictures, you can't really see his stats! At 8 months, Owen weighs in at 18 lbs 9 oz! He is getting so big and so much fun! Still not crawling, but he loves to spin in circles while sitting up and he is now saying 'ma ma'. Although still not realizing what he is saying yet! Owen is still toothless but he is a drool factory.