Earlier this week I was awoken around 6:30 a.m. by my 2 1/2 year old shouting, "It's pink momma, it's pink! It's pink momma, it's pink! It's pink momma, it's pink!"
When I finally couldn't take it anymore, I rolled over and asked, "What's pink, Owen?"
"The CLOUD!!!"
Seeing his excitement in the sunrise that morning turning the cloud outside of my window pink made getting up before the birds not all that bad on that particular day...if only we could always view each day through a child's eye!
The Piepkow Family
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
One Month Old
Wow, what a fast month! We were fortunate enough to have Grandma Julie stay with us for three weeks to help take care of Lila (and Owen); thank you, thank you, thank you!! We sure loved seeing both grandmas, grandpa (bacca), Aunt Megan and cousin Will, Uncle Mike and Aunt Renee, Uncle Matt, Aunt Mary Beth, Natalie and Ryan! Now she just needs to meet her poppa, Uncle Teddy and Aunt Kelli (along with extended great aunts and uncles---we aren't forgetting you).
Lila has been a very easy going baby and still loves to grunt to communicate with us, but she is also slowly finding that crying gets attention rather quickly. We had a rough couple nights sleep until I found out about a device called a Nap Nanny--it has been a life (sleep) saver! I would have easily paid $1,000 for this contraption that has allowed me to sleep at four hour intervals (how insane does that sound; I'm excited over 4 hour stretches of sleep)!
Big Brother Owen is still really sweet on Lila. He is back to his old charming, sweet self and always tells Lila that it's OK when she cries. One time in the car after picking him up from day care she was having a fit. Owen said, "It's OK baby Lila, see all the cars?" He was trying to distract her! He also loves showing her off to his friends at school. He says over and over that it's his baby sister when they all crowd around to look. He also loves to give her her pacifier and tries to offer her toys (although she isn't quite interested in them yet and quite frankly, doesn't seem to enjoy a hard, plastic rattle being thrown at her head).
Here are a few photos from the past few weeks...
Lila has been a very easy going baby and still loves to grunt to communicate with us, but she is also slowly finding that crying gets attention rather quickly. We had a rough couple nights sleep until I found out about a device called a Nap Nanny--it has been a life (sleep) saver! I would have easily paid $1,000 for this contraption that has allowed me to sleep at four hour intervals (how insane does that sound; I'm excited over 4 hour stretches of sleep)!
Big Brother Owen is still really sweet on Lila. He is back to his old charming, sweet self and always tells Lila that it's OK when she cries. One time in the car after picking him up from day care she was having a fit. Owen said, "It's OK baby Lila, see all the cars?" He was trying to distract her! He also loves showing her off to his friends at school. He says over and over that it's his baby sister when they all crowd around to look. He also loves to give her her pacifier and tries to offer her toys (although she isn't quite interested in them yet and quite frankly, doesn't seem to enjoy a hard, plastic rattle being thrown at her head).
Here are a few photos from the past few weeks...
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
First Week with Two Children!!
Let's just say THANK GOODNESS for help from grandmas and daycare!! Our sweet little two year old has enjoyed testing us on more than one occasion. It started with him insisting on eating a picnic outside by himself instead of eating with the family...see pic below! It has continued with the use of his new favorite word: NO!
Day 2: Finally gave some cuddles to mommy--after a very rough day of defying me in every way possible!
Overall though, he has done quite nicely adjusting to his new role as big brother. He is always excited to see his baby sister and has enjoyed telling all of his friends about his baby sister Lila. He even likes to offer toys to her to play with--I don't think that he quite understands that she is too little to play. It is so sweet though.

Other than a lack of sleep, mom and dad are doing great with this new family dynamic. We have both forgotten how much easier an infant is compared to a toddler...sleep makes up the majority of Lila's day (and most of the night, too).
Lila is a contented baby and rarely cries. I'm nervous as I type this because I know that I am going to jinx myself and she is going to develop colic or something...at night she just stirs a little and grunts and I feed her and for the most part she goes back to sleep. Let's hope this continues, this is much more pleasant than screaming bloody murder. Lila is only 9 days old, but she has already been to the dr. 3 times. She had jaundice when she came home so we had to get a billi blanket (Owen: blue lights make her better?) for one night. I hated seeing her in it, but it helped to make her better. Yesterday we went back to do a weight check and she is exactly back to her birth weight of 6 lbs 15 oz--Go Lila!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Lila Marie
Well...Lila decided that she did not want to wait two more weeks to make her appearance into this world and graced us with her presence on Monday, April 23 at 10:58 p.m. weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. We couldn't be any happier!! Ironically, on the same day that I decided to reinstate my blogging...
Lila was lucky enough to meet both her Grandma (Bacca) Julie and her Nonny when she was less than 24 hours old! This mommy REALLY enjoyed all of the extra help--especially with a two year old who loves to PLAY! Thank you Bacca Julie and Nonny!! But most importantly she was able to meet her big bro. Owen came into the room with his grandmas on Tuesday morning, acting sheepishly. He ran right over to the hospital bed where I was holding Lila and wanted up. He climbed right into the bed (with the help of daddy) and sat down next to me where he stared at his new sister with the best look on his face.
Being a normal 2 year old, he didn't really want to stay in the room too long (I mean we were all itching to get out of that tiny space--can't really blame him). Luckily, we were able to leave the next day.
Lila was lucky enough to meet both her Grandma (Bacca) Julie and her Nonny when she was less than 24 hours old! This mommy REALLY enjoyed all of the extra help--especially with a two year old who loves to PLAY! Thank you Bacca Julie and Nonny!! But most importantly she was able to meet her big bro. Owen came into the room with his grandmas on Tuesday morning, acting sheepishly. He ran right over to the hospital bed where I was holding Lila and wanted up. He climbed right into the bed (with the help of daddy) and sat down next to me where he stared at his new sister with the best look on his face.
Being a normal 2 year old, he didn't really want to stay in the room too long (I mean we were all itching to get out of that tiny space--can't really blame him). Luckily, we were able to leave the next day.
Monday, April 23, 2012
It's been awhile...
Well, I am officially the worst 'blogger' on the web! A LOT has happened since last June. Owen is keeping us entertained each and every day! He is all boy, talks, runs, plays nonstop. Some important Owen quotes to remember:
This is how I announced my sister's upcoming arrival to Bacca and Bacca Julie. It took Bacca Julie awhile to catch on ;)
- At some point this summer he switched from calling our dog 'Marmo' to his official name: Marlow!
- A Thanksgiving quote: "MMMMMM....stuffing!" Kept us all laughing!
- Loves, loves, loves Santa Claus. Not a huge fan of elves as one is seen helping Santa down the chimney in one of his books and every time he saw the picture he would say "No push Santa!"
- Calls Grandma and Grandpa "Bacca Julie and Bacca" No one is really sure why :)
- Definitely has a southern drawl with the following words: Milk, More, and I am sure much more.
- He is very excited about his new baby sister who is due in a couple weeks and imitates how a baby cries for us--"baby goes whaaa (in a sweet quiet voice), Owen goes WHAA! (in a loud, obnoxious voice). Makes daddy and I laugh every time!
- He told us that when baby sister cries he will say, "It's OK baby, I love you!" Let's see if this will really hold true...
I am sure there are a ton more and when I remember them, I will add!
Here are some of our favorite pictures from the past almost year--sorry they are not in chronological order!

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