Overall though, he has done quite nicely adjusting to his new role as big brother. He is always excited to see his baby sister and has enjoyed telling all of his friends about his baby sister Lila. He even likes to offer toys to her to play with--I don't think that he quite understands that she is too little to play. It is so sweet though.

Other than a lack of sleep, mom and dad are doing great with this new family dynamic. We have both forgotten how much easier an infant is compared to a toddler...sleep makes up the majority of Lila's day (and most of the night, too).
Lila is a contented baby and rarely cries. I'm nervous as I type this because I know that I am going to jinx myself and she is going to develop colic or something...at night she just stirs a little and grunts and I feed her and for the most part she goes back to sleep. Let's hope this continues, this is much more pleasant than screaming bloody murder. Lila is only 9 days old, but she has already been to the dr. 3 times. She had jaundice when she came home so we had to get a billi blanket (Owen: blue lights make her better?) for one night. I hated seeing her in it, but it helped to make her better. Yesterday we went back to do a weight check and she is exactly back to her birth weight of 6 lbs 15 oz--Go Lila!
I'm crying!!! Erin, you do such a great job on this Blog - I love it!!! You have a beautiful family - missing all of you so much already! Hugs & love from Nonny!