I was able to stay home from work today while Owen was 'sick'. He had a temp yesterday so he couldn't go to day care today, so I was able to spend some QT with him :) He has gotten to be so much fun, each day seems to bring about a new discovery. We still aren't walking, but we are getting very close with the help of furniture and his walker.
Owen is also quite the talker already! He has been able to say 'dog' for awhile now, but he is finally adding the g. He is also fascinated with daddy's truck and says 'truck' all of the time. Some of his other favorites include 'bye bye (said with a southern twang), 'hi', 'mamma', 'da da', 'birdie', 'cracker', 'cookie', 'up', 'pout pout' (for his favorite book), and most recently, 'night night'. Now, keep in mind that we as parents know what he is saying, the common folk may still think of all of this as babbling. But we have our son figured out (well sort of).
And when he can't quite tell us what he wants, he is starting to use his sign language more frequently. He does 'more', 'eat', 'finished', and 'night night'. It is amazing to see everything begin to click. Today he went in front of his bookcase and repeatedly made the sign for 'more' over and over. I guess he wasn't done listening to books. It made me laugh because this sign is usually done just for food in our house!
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