Enjoying my early Christmas present from Grandma
Sprinkling reindeer dust so Santa can find me at Grandma's

Thanks Uncle Teddy and Aunt Kelli

Yes, Molly, we know. You were the one to put him to sleep :)

Bye, Bye Grandpa! I had a wonderful visit!
We had a wonderful time back in Michigan for Owen's first Christmas. We stayed at the Piepkows the entire time since my parents were in Florida. Owen was spoiled rotten and had a great time! Owen has also come into his own over these past two weeks; crawling all over, starting to pull himself up, and saying 'hi' on any cell phone, whether you want him to take yours or not. Unfortunately, he has also picked up some bad habits. We have already broken him of the 4:30 am wake up calls with Grandpa Zippy, but he still likes to whine when he doesn't get his way and worst of all, he enjoys hitting anyone who is in distance right in their face. What happened to our sweet boy?? He is also becoming a lot more vocal and points to things and says bah-dah for everything. Not sure what this is supposed to mean...
I love the fish!
Yes, Molly, we know. You were the one to put him to sleep :)
Bye, Bye Grandpa! I had a wonderful visit!