Monday marked a HUGE milestone: No more Mr. Froggy or Mr. Bear :( Surprisingly, it has gone quite well! The ladies at day care asked very nicely if we could please not send the pacifier with Owen on Tuesday because he had become very dependent on it. Of course I was terrified how he would react and I questioned them, really?? You WANT him to be miserable all day with you on Tuesday? Better you than me I guess...
So with that information and Luke out of town, I decided that it was time for Mr. Froggy to outgrow his pacifier. So Mr. Froggy 'lost' his pacifier and I let Owen know that since Mr. Froggy was too big for his pacifier, so was he. The picture above is when I gave him his new Mr. Froggy with no pacifier attached...confusion doesn't begin to describe. He twisted, turned, examined that frog thoroughly. He even tried to put the entire frog's head inside of his mouth. Once he thoroughly examined the frog he decided that it wasn't quite right and handed it right back to his mama, he was not happy!
So far, he has done pretty well at night (just needs a little more hugs), I hope this lasts!